Non Residential


archipeleco have a strong track record in securing planning approvals for clients, often on very challenging sites.

archipeleco successfully obtained planning permission for 12 flats above a new car showroom for their clients, Rushmore’s in Lewisham, south London. Rushmore’s approached archipeleco after having their previous scheme refused for planning. Through careful consideration of the planners’ concerns and regular liaison with Lewisham Council, the new proposals were approved in September 2006.

The site is located in a dense area of London, designated as a ‘sustainable living area’ by Lewisham Council. This meant that the scheme could be car free since local public transport was available. This allowed the site’s potential to be fully realised, giving our client the flexibility to add sustainable features to the scheme.

All but one of the 12 flats have private outdoor space with flexible internal layouts to allow for working at home. The walls and roof will be insulated above current Building Regulation standards and the flat roof will have 12 solar thermal panels to provide hot water to the flats.

The exterior is a combination of brick and timber cladding (from sustainably managed forests) which are both attractive and durable. The new car showroom on the ground floor has been designed to provide an active and visually interesting street frontage that will be a positive contribution to the street scene.